Old school Easter eggs.

Bumptop 3D Desktop

BumpTop Free 2.10bumptop 3d desktop

Dear BumpTop fans. More than three years ago, we set out to completely change the way people use their desktops. We're very grateful for all your support over.

BumpTop : Top 50 3D desktop themes, EN. Transform your desktop into a slick 3D interface with these cool BumpTop themes! We have.

BumpTop, free download. BumpTop 2.1.6225: Amazing 3D Windows desktop. If you're tired of your Windows desktop and changing the wallpaper doesn't work.

bumptop 3d desktop

BumpTop это виртуальный 3D -рабочий стол, который System Monitor II is a free desktop gadget for your windows which checks memory.

BumpTop is an application desktop which allows you to change the appearance of your screen in a 3D environment. Thanks to this utility, you.

BumpTop 2.1.6225

BumpTop Free free download. Get the latest version now. Intuitive, 3D desktop that keeps you organized and makes you more productive.

Use this fun program to turn your boring desktop into a virtual 3D landscape. Do you ever get tired of your boring old computer desktop? Wish there was some way you personalise it apart from just changing the background picture? Well with BumpTop you can. This fun application allows you to mimic your actual desk on your PC display screen creating a virtual 3D environment where you can hang pictures on the wall, pile documents and files into stacks and even leave sticky notes lying around. One of the best things about this application is that it makes your PC desktop follow the laws of physics. Build, stack and hang to organise your various folders and files. There is also a built in feature that lets you publish photos straight to Facebook and Twitter. Pros: It is a good looking and fun way to customise your desktop, good search facilities to locate files Cons: Only works on Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7, it takes up a lot of space and it there's no real practical use (although some users may find file stacking useful) Conclusion: There is next to no practical purpose for using this application. But since when were all fun things practical? If you're bored with your desktop or you want a new way to organise your computer and you have a significant amount of space to spare, there's no reason why one of BumpTop's custom themes isn't for you. BumpTop is a fun, intuitive, 3D desktop that keeps you organized and makes you more productive. It combines the look and feel of a real desk with the power of your PC. You can pile your files, flip through websites and toss your photos up to Twitter or Facebook quickly and easily, right from your desktop. Advanced search and sort capabilities make sure...

BumpTop is an application desktop which allows you to change the appearance of your screen in a 3D environment. Thanks to this utility, you will be able to administer all the icons, files and folders you have on your desktop with the particularity of seeing them as 3D objects. For instance, you will be able to integrate your social networks on it and quickly access to them from a single click. In addition, this original application allows you to group icons by functionality.