Snack's 1967

Инструкция Apexi Турбо

инструкция apexi турбо

Инструкции APEXI AVC-R и SAFC на русском языке Техничка. Поделитись инфой. Машина-субару легаси, 2 литра, турбо.

A turbo timer is a device designed to keep an automotive engine running for a pre-specified period of time in order to automatically execute the cool-down period required to prevent premature turbo wear and failure. After a period of driving when a turbocharger has been working hard, it is important to let the engine run at idle speed for a period of time, allowing the compressor assembly to cool from the lower gas temperatures in both the exhaust and intake tracts. At the same time the lubricating oil from the engine is able to circulate properly so the turbine won't burn the lubricating oil that would otherwise be trapped within the charger with the turbine rotating at high speed. With regard to modern automotive turbochargers, the need for a turbo timer can be eliminated by simply ensuring the car does not produce any 'boost' (during driving) for several minutes prior to the ignition being shut off. Most turbo timers are based on digital electronics. Turbo timers can usually be disabled by an external switch, this is normally done using the handbrake switch, or using an automatic one.','url':'','og_descr':'A turbo timer is a device designed to keep an automotive engine running for a pre-specified period of time in order to automatically execute the cool-down pe...

(2007 STI) Apexi (Multi-Function) Turbo Timer Review

HKS 41001-AK010 Турбо -таймер Type-1 (NEW). 8 640 р. Описание; Обсуждение товара4; Сопутствующие товары17; Аналоги4 Турбо -таймер APEXI.

инструкция apexi турбоинструкция apexi турбо

ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY About the Warranty time without prior notice. This warranty is valid only in the U.S. Caution 1. We are not responsible for any damages or injuries caused by the improper use of this product. 2. This unit is subject to change without prior notice 3. We will not reissue this manual. Please keep this manual in a safe place. To the dealer Be sure to note customer information, date of purchase, and location.

BRAND NEW APEXi Turbo Timer for NA & Turbo Black color with Red Rear Chip Guard, Manual Draw Bar, Centroid M-400S CNC Control 2.

Instruction Manual

инструкция apexi турбо

Ответы на вопросы: скачать инструкцию apexi rsm, About - tuning style - japancar ru. Инструкция Инструкции. Apexi auto timer for na & turbo англ., pdf, 7.

APEXi PRODUCT FINDER. Discover genuine APEXi products. Begin Search. GET THE LATEST NEWS FROM APEXi. May 13, 2015.

инструкция apexi турбо